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  • Event details

    Thanks to the collaboration of Ultimate Tech, the best minds in the international graphic arts community will present the very latest advances in PDF creation.

    PDF workflow tools, PDFs for embellishment and finishing, PDFs for packaging and PDF
    preflighting, discover best practices by attending this information-packed half-day event.


    Program :

    1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

    PDF workflow tools (David Zwang and Christian Blaise)
    PDF workflows are now the norm, paving the way for further development of the connected value chain. What are the opportunities, challenges and future developments in this field?

    Embellishment (Andrew Bailes-Collins and Koen Degrande)
    Embellishment, and digital embellishment in particular, is a hot topic and an increasingly popular way for printers to differentiate and add value (and margin) to their printed products. In this session, we’ll introduce some techniques and best practices for creating PDF print files with content for finishing and embellishment, and review PDF standards for communicating non-printing content (processing steps).

    PDF preflighting (David van Driessche and Christian Blaise)
    Quality control, or preflighting as it’s known in our industry, is as old as the PDF format itself. The first preflight applications date back to 1997 (and some still exist!). What is preflighting? How has it improved? What gaps remain? In this session, David van Driessche (GWG Executive Director and Co-Chair of the GWG Sub-Committee and the GWG Process Control Sub-Committee) takes you on a journey through the preflight time. Learn more about PDF, preflight and preflight standardization. And why do so many smart people still use the wrong standards when they preflight?

    PDF for packaging (Freddy Pieters and Frank Vyncke)
    Mainly due to the complex nature of the packaging ecosystem, the introduction of PDF has been slower than in other sectors. New ISO standards and software enhancements are rapidly changing the situation. The Ghent Workgroup has supported the use of PDF in packaging through its work on ISO 19593‑1, known as Processing Steps, and the development of a specification specifically for packaging. In this session, you’ll learn about developments in packaging, how you can take advantage of them, and how you can prepare for the future.

    5:00 pm :

    (included with ticket purchase), reservation required

    Price : $75

    We look forward to seeing you there!
    Registration deadline: Monday, August 19, 2024


Tuesday, September 3, 2024
1:30 pm to 5:00 pm
followed by a cocktail reception


Institut des communications graphiques et de l’imprimabilité 999, avenue Émile-Journault Est, Montréal, H2M 2E2
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